Turnaround Support

Turnaround activities can involve the partial or complete shut-down of an operation using lock-out/tag-out procedures in order to maintain, repair, or clean mechanical equipment. The completion of turnaround activities requires management, planning, coordination, and support from in-house and external resources.

Contributing to a smooth transition, EHSP is available to provide assistance through the following services:

  • Reviewing in-house procedures such as fall protection, confined space, lock-out/tag-out, etc. in accordance with the applicable legislation
  • Atmospheric monitoring for volatile organic compounds, benzene, H2S, LEL, O2, CO, and other toxins
  • Completing surveys for the presence of NORM, asbestos, lead-based paints and other hazardous materials
  • Prime contractor assurance
  • Qualitative and quantitative fit-testing
  • Site safety and contractor supervision