A Certificate of Recognition (COR) is awarded to employers with a health and safety program in place that meets standards established by Occupational Health and Safety. There are 2 kinds of CORs available:

  • Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR)
    • Intended for companies with up to 10 employees
    • Should a company with SECOR grow, a transition program to get a standard COR can follow
  • COR
    • Intended for companies with more than 10 employees

Our trained and experienced COR auditors will assess your program through a Certifying Partner (CP). A CP is an organization that develops the audit tool and awards COR/SECOR to the successful employer. There are various CPs in Canada, all serving specific industries. Our auditors are certified to conduct audits for the following CPs:

Not sure which CP is right for you? Contact us at auditor@ehsp.ca or at 1.877.243.6838 and we would be happy to discuss your options.