EHSP employees got ahead on their spring cleaning and decluttered their book shelves for EHSP’s first ever Spring Book Drive, held in April 2018. The month-long event resulted in a 1 cubic metre box, filled to the brim with books. All books collected were donated to the CBC Calgary Reads Big Book Sale, a 3-day fundraising event for Calgary Reads.
Calgary Reads is a non-profit organization that helps support schools and communities to provide free books and literacy resources to children and families across Alberta. Supported by thousands of Calgarians bringing in their gently used books, the Big Book Sale is Calgary Reads’ biggest fundraiser.
The 16th annual Big Book Sale was held on May 11 – 13, 2018 at the Calgary Curling Club. Calgary Reads raised $345,000 from the event. The funds will be used year-round to support the organization’s initiatives and programs.
“Supporting this cause is a sustainable practice,” Paul MacKinnon, Partner at EHSP, said. “Children’s literacy contributes to the social sustainability of communities by bringing families together and enhancing education opportunities.”
“The book drive also aligns with EHSP’s sustainability mission. We’re maximizing the materials and resources we already have by using the books on our dusty bookshelves to help grow the minds of young readers.”
In case you missed this year’s Big Book Sale, Calgary Reads accepts gently used books throughout the year and are always welcoming more volunteers. For more information on Calgary Reads, the Big Book Sale, and how you can contribute, check out their website: