Alberta OHS Act changes take effect on June 1, 2018. Are you ready? How does your health and safety program measure up?
The Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act establishes minimum safety standards in Alberta workplaces. These laws are enforced through inspections, investigations, orders, administrative penalties, fines and prosecutions.
Some of the key changes include:
- Worker’s Rights – enshrined
- Right to know, right to participate (in workplace health and safety), and the right to refuse dangerous work.
- Obligations of Worksite Parties – expanded
- Now include: owners of worksites, prime contractors, suppliers, service providers, self-employed persons, and temporary staffing agencies.
- Joint work site health and safety committees (HSC) and representatives – now mandatory
- Safety committees will now be required for all employers with 20 or more workers at a work site and work lasting 90 days or more.
- Harassment and Violence – clearer definitions
- To address workplace bullying and physical and psychological harm.
- Written Health and Safety Program – now required for employers with 20 or more workers
- Incident Reporting (to Alberta Labour) – updated
- Injuries resulting in a worker being admitted to hospital must be reported to Alberta Labour, replacing the previous two day requirement.
- “Potentially serious” incidents that had potential to cause serious injury to a person, but did not – must also be reported to Alberta Labour.
Do you need a gap analysis done to measure your safety program against the new Alberta OHS Act changes coming into effect June 1, 2018? We can help you create an action plan to bring your program up to compliance. Contact us today at info@ehsp.ca or at 1.877.243.6838.