Safety and Health Week (or NAOSH Week) is upon us! First launched in 1997 through the combined efforts of Canada, the U.S., and Mexico, NAOSH week advocates for the prevention of injury and illness in the workplace, at home, and in the community.
This week, we’d like to recognize our fellow safety professionals in the field. Thank you for all your hard week keeping employees healthy and safe in the workplace, specially during these uncertain times.
We also hope that employers take time to consider the benefits of investing in occupational health and safety. Workplace injuries and illnesses can be greatly reduced when business leaders engage their employees in meaningful discussions on safety and actively recognize, assess, and control workplace hazards.
On behalf of EHS Partnerships Ltd. we wish you all an enjoyable and productive week. We hope you will take a few minutes each day to talk safety with your employees, your boss, your neighbours, and your family.